The Art of War - Sun Tzu (The most prestigious and influent)

(1) 孫子兵法 三十六計: 六六三十六,數中有術,術中有數。陰陽燮理,机在其中。机不可設,設則不中。 (2) 孫子兵法 - 作者:孫武 [始计第一, 作战第二, 谋攻第三, 军形第四, 兵势第五, 虚实第六, 军争第七...]
文章: 5
註冊時間: 2011-02-22, 08:44

The Art of War - Sun Tzu (The most prestigious and influent)

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Book Description

Compiled more than two thousand years ago, the Art of War is still perhaps the most prestigious and influential book of strategy in the world today. A study of the anatomy of forces in conflict, it has been discovered by modern business people, who understand the principles it contains are as useful for understanding the interactions of modern corporations as they are for understanding the tactics of ancient Chinese armies. This illustrated edition includes two audio CDs read by Lloyd James.

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Book Review
"Thomas Cleary's translation of Sun Tzu's 2,000-year-old Art of War makes immediately relevant one of the greatest Chinese classical texts. There's not a dated maxim or vague prescription in it. ‘To win without fighting is best,’ Sun Tzu said. For him, war was coeval with life. Absorb this book, and you can throw out all those contemporary books about management leadership.”—Newsweek

"This volume of ancient Chinese wisdom is consistently rated higher than most modern leadership books.”—Inc.

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The Art of War - Sun Tzu
The Art of War - Sun Tzu
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